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Inscrit le: 24 Mai 2006
Messages: 58

MessagePosté le: 2007 } Avr } Lun 30 19:30    Sujet du message: SKATEBOARD OLLIE Répondre en citant

here's how to do the ollie :

how to ollie trick tip
# 1) Push at a comfortable speed, remember the faster you go the better the pop.
# 2) Place your front foot near the middle of your board, about two inches under your bolts. Put your back foot on the tail.
# 3) Squat, so you can spring yourself up.
# 4) Kick your back foot down so you can pop as you jump up, your front foot should rub upward on your griptape.
# 5) Make sure you tuck your knees to your chest, picking up your back foot as well to level the board at a good height. REMEMBER you are jumping forward.
# 6) Then come down comfortably, both feet on the board. It will look better if both your feet are over the bolts as well as lessen the stress of impact
# 7) Finally bend your legs as you touch down to give it that smooth style and roll away stocked.
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